From the Band:
This album has been in production for the past year and a half and has arrived with a sonic grunt. During it's gestation period two new members have been added to the Hippie Cream Team. This album is extremely random even by Hippie Cream standards, we hope you enjoy letting it slide into your ear pipes (like a wet noodle). Thanks for listening.
Musical Talent
Travis: Bass / Vocals
Sean: Percussion / wisdom
Cory: Guitar / keyboards / vocals
Bob (
Erik's Animal): Vocals / guitar / studio wizardry
Wesley: Noise / Peanut Vending
Sean W: Horns / Sitar / Flute
Nick: Mastering Assistance @ Sinewave Studios
Track List
1. 76 Years Young
2. Butcher's Business
3. Fire in the Tortilla Factory
4. Carriage Ride In Hell
5. Big Toe In My Boot
6. Radical Parade
7. Beer In My Trumpet
8. Sea Hag on The Moon
9. Santa's Sack and Head
10. Mr. Do and You
11. Sweet Jalopy
12. Hippie Cream's Second Show
13. Underground Education
14. Cuddles the Vampire
15. Let Yourself Go
16. Tricycle
17. Freak-Pie Cineplex
18. My Neighbor